Satsuma Library Butterfly Garden
We’re excited to present Satsuma Public Library Butterfly Garden.
For this project our library received a $5000 grant from Gulf Coast RC&D and Satsuma Public Library Foundation contributed $2000! Thank you Gulf Coast RC&D for helping this dream become a reality. There are so many friends and organizations that helped during this journey. We can’t thank you enough. The work of your hands will be a blessing to your community.
Thank you to:
Satsuma Library Foundation for supporting this and all our library projects. We dream big, you help make it happen.
Champion Lawn and Landscape for preparing our foundation, walking paths and filling beds.
Satsuma Lions Club for assembling raised garden beds.
Satsuma Public Works James and Travis for always being there to save the day when things fall apart… literally lol
Mater Garden Emily Arellano for doing countless hours of research on the best plants to make our garden the perfect home for our butterflies. As well as all the trips to gather plants. Thank you Emily and Sue Smith (both members of Satsuma Public Library Foundation) for your sweat equity on planting day and for staying until after dark. I had a great time.
Tony Seymour at A Bloom Garden Center for delivering the perfect soul mixture for our garden
Mark Corrales for assembling our benches and the countless other projects that go unseen. We can never thank you enough!
Last but certainly not least thank you to our library staff for putting up with all the planning, prep work and tears behind the scenes. I love you girls, I couldn’t make it without you Evelyn Butler, Diane Corrales and Tasha Goodman.
Welcome to Satsuma Public Library Butterfly Garden and outdoor reading area!